So Delicious Coconut Milk Minis: Coconut Almond

Allow me to file this disclaimer: I am normally very unfond of coconut.

That being said, because I am lactose intolerant, and because I am trying to better take care of myself, my sweet roommate acquired me some of this product as an attempt for me to be able to have the occasional indulgence without my body making me pay for it painfully.

Now, when they call these "minis," they aren't fooling. These pops are kind of small. However, I was very pleasantly surprised with the flavor. The coating was delicious, and I love almonds, but the texture of the coconut in the coating didn't bother me as much as it normally does. Also, the ice cream part was delicious! Smooth, creamy, slightly coconutty, but overall delightful.

I wasn't quite sure what to make of this, initially. Altogether, though, I encourage you guys to try them out. I couldn't find a price on them online, but normally such things are within the $6-8 range, if your store carries them.

